What is there to say about Dead Alive? Well for starters, I don't know if I've seen that much blood in a movie before. This was a bizarre cinematic experience for me. I was almost speechless, except for asking "What?" repeatedly. I just couldn't believe what I was seeing or why I was seeing. This came from the future Oscar winning director Peter Jackson. How in the hell he got the Lord of the Rings job after his previous career I'll never know.
This movie was insane and exhausting. It never stopped, it never took time to let you relax. Once it all started, it never even paused. And the ridiculousness just got more and more ridiculous until it ended. So much blood, body parts and insanity. I wasn't really shocked by the gore, but more by the over all experience. It sort of ends up leaving you breathless and wondering what the hell just happened. I do have to say it is rather entertaining. I was smiling during the majority of it. It seemed like Jackson had a million ideas of how to kill zombies and wanted to stuff them all into one film. I would say the weirdness of this one makes it so only a select crowd would enjoy it and even though I wasn't really shocked by it, others probably would be. Nonetheless, it could prove to be a fun time.
Shock or Not? Not
Film: 2/5
Shock: 2/5
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